Saturday, 21 December 2013

Christmas at last

Its been an intresting finish to 2013 working as the Development Officer at the lake. I've enjoyed the challenge and had a number of successes, but as the saying goes 'a bad day on the hill will always beat a good day in the office'. I'm already planing goals and adventures for 2014. All the best.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Activity club

As the nights draw in so the activity club season comes to an end for another year. Escaping the desk I ran the kayaking at the end of season regatta. Prizes were dished out and the buffet was enjoyed. Great day.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Climbing incognito

Another busy Saturday at the lake. NICAS in the morning and some blindfold climbing, then kayaking with the activity club in the afternoon all squeezed in before the most almighty downpour.  

Tuesday, 15 October 2013


We ran sessions for the 'get on track' project today and were joined by a couple of superstars. Charlotte Hartley and Sophie Cox brought their groups to the lake. The group memebers are in the process of finding employment and from what I saw it shouldnt take long. Great sessions. 

Thursday, 10 October 2013

New role

I've been stuck in the office this week having taken on the Outdoor Development role at the lake. However I did  manage to get out on the new MTB courses we've run which have been a huge success. No pics this week, but as we look forward to a good winter (fingers crossed) heres a few snowy shots.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Fox Stone Cairn

Sarah, Rosa and I took a walk up to the cairn on fox stone today. Its one of the prominent gritstone features on the edge above dovestones and can be seen from the valley floor. A decent down Ashway gap made for a nice round. To cap of the walk we got to see the Peregrines through the RSPB telescopes set up on the site of Ashway Gap House.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

A busy week!

I headed up to Kendal indoor climbing centre this week to complete the BMC Fundamentals course. Ian Dunn did a fantastic job and sent us away with lots of new ideas to improve our sessions. I was back at the Lake today where I ran kids club kayaking before driving the R.I.B for Lewis's windsurfing course. Great finish to a great week!  


Sunday, 29 September 2013

A busy weekend!

Its been a busy few days at the lake with the windsurfers and sailers out in force enjoying near perfect conditions. I spent the weekend with Nigel and Connor on a Powerboat Level 2 course tyring to avoid them. In between the activity clubs enjoyed a rafted canoe race! great weekend. 

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Three is the magic number!

Schools have only just gone back after the long summer break so the group sizes have been a bit hit and miss! I took three G.C.S.E students who hope to use the sessions for there PE studies Kayaking.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Rosa takes in tandle!

With a two hour (ish) feeding window! Rosa and I raced up and down tandle this morning. The early morning clag hid any views so heres an old pic of the memorial and trig. 

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Back to work

After the most amazing few weeks it was back to work today. Glorious weather and an enthusiastic group meant it wasn't so bad!

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Best day of my life!

I haven't been 'at the blog' much as Sarah and I have been having a baby! So I'm allowing a non TGO pic and blog in as she is so perfect. She was born at Oldham Royal on Friday 13th at 2.30 AM and weighed in at 7lbs 6oz. Healthy and happy we're so glad she's finally here and look forward to many adventures with her.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013